Apple Parsley Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Apple Parsley Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Aug 29, 2024nate

What’s not to love about grilled cheese? Make it vegan if you wish. The addition of apple and pecans add a delicious sweetness and texture to this timeless classic.


Servings: 1

  • 2 slices wheat bread
  • 1/4 cup (35 gram) mozzarella
  • 1 tablespoon (4 gram) parsley, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon (15 gram) pecan, chopped
  • 5 apple slices, cut into 1/8 inch slices
  • 2 tablespoon butter


  1. Sprinkle half of the cheese on one piece of bread and the other half on the other piece of bread.
  2. Sprinkle pecans, apple slices, and parsley over the cheese of one slice of bread.
  3. Heat the butter in a pan on medium-low heat.
  4. Place sandwich in the pan and cook for 3 minutes with a lid over the pan.
  5. Flip over and cook for an additional 3 minutes with the pan covered.
  6. Remove from pan, cut diagonally and serve.

Make any dish taste better with some fresh herbs! Check out all our other recipes here.

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